Elevate Your Leadership:
5 Essential Steps to Boost
Self-Worth to Lead with Impact

An astonishing 80% of women and 73% of men don't
believe they're good enough. Low self-worth is a global epidemic,
impacting our leadership effectiveness, health, wealth,
and the quality of our relationships at work and at home.

In this webinar, you'll discover 5 essential steps
to boost your self-worth to lead with success.

By implementing these proven steps, you'll master techniques
to help
silence your inner critic, increase your self-worth,
and become more confident in every area of your life. 

Join us to learn how to empower yourself and
help your team strengthen this key leadership skill.

Tuesday, May 28th from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET

Virtual Event

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Are you a CEO, entrepreneur, manager, or leader who wants to strengthen your self-worth and the worth of those on your team? Low self-worth looks like:

Impostor syndrome

Layer 19


Layer 19

Lack of healthy boundaries

Layer 19

Negative self-talk

Layer 19

Manipulative behaviors

Layer 19

Victim mentality

Layer 19

Hot and cold behaviors


In this empowering webinar, you'll discover 5 proven steps to elevate your self-worth and cultivate the confidence to lead with success.

Learn techniques to silence your inner critic, increase your self-confidence, and become more self-assured in every aspect of your life. Empower yourself and help your team develop the essential leadership skill of high self-worth.


This event is for CEOs, entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders. If that's you, register now and watch this inspiring webinar on demand.



Understand What Self-Worth Is

Distinguish self-worth from related concepts like self-esteem and self-confidence.

Develop High Self-Worth

Understand the source and nature of your intrinsic worth beyond external validations.

Purge Low Self-Worth Patterns

Uncover and address underlying beliefs contributing to low self-worth.

Tame the Inner Critic

Learn how to quiet the inner critic and cultivate self-compassion, freeing yourself from self-doubt and negative self-talk.

Overcome Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Learn how to conquer imposter syndrome to recognize your worthiness and achieve your dreams.

Help Others Develop High Self-Worth

Learn how to support others at work and at home in their journey towards recognizing their own worth.
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Meet Your Coaches and Speakers


Traci Fenton

Founder + CEO of WorldBlu and
Author of Freedom at Work

Meet Traci Fenton, Founder + CEO of WorldBlu and author of the book, Freedom at Work. Traci and her team have spent nearly three decades working with leaders in over 100 countries helping them shift from fear-based to freedom-centered leadership to optimize their organizations and their life.

Traci is a “Thinkers 50 Radar” award winner, an  Inc. Magazine “Top 50 Leadership Thinker,” received the Game Changer award for “Outstanding Results in Shaping the World,” is a  “World-Changing Woman in Conscious Business” winner, and a Marshall Goldsmith “Top 100 Coach.” Traci has been featured in Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, and hundreds of other media outlets worldwide.

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Why CEOs and Top Leaders Love
Our Leadership Approach


WorldBlu changed my team's culture. We were hit with a ball of motivation, inspiration, and happiness. We changed three old processes which brought even more enthusiasm.

Aiki Arro

CEO| The Sugar & Salt Marketing Agency


With WorldBlu, we've grown more than 12x. Our growth and success is a direct result of leading with freedom over fear and control.

Matt Perez

COO | Nearsoft Encora


WorldBlu's approach is life-changing. It helped me grow my company on average 23% each year over the past 10 years.

Matthew Gonnering


Dallas Kpg

WorldBlu ultimately helped us grow and took our new spin-off from $0 to a $175 million sale in just two years.

Dallas Kashuba


Nathan Donaldson - 2 2

As a result of our work with WorldBlu, we've grown 63% in one year.

Nathan Donaldson

CEO | Boost


Thanks to WorldBlu, our sales have quadrupled and our market cap has increased from $250 million to over $2 billion.

Garry Ridge

Chairman Emeritus | WD-40 Company