Inside Story:
How we Built an $8 Billion
Freedom-Centered Culture
at Grupo Elektra
Grupo Elektra is a large, publicly traded
Mexican financial and retail corporation
with 80,000+ employees.
They are also proud to be a
WorldBlu certified Freedom-Centered Organization.
Discover their top 5 secrets for how they built
an extraordinary culture that operates on the
principles of freedom and organizational democracy
to accelerate growth.
On Demand Virtual Event

Are you a CEO, entrepreneur, Chief of Talent/Culture/HR, or a top leader who wants to lead in a way that unleashes the potential of your team? If yes, then this event is for you! Get ready to:

Boost revenue growth by reducing unnecessary hierarchy

Become a leader who leads with freedom and accountability

Increase trust and collaboration

Enhance the quality of your decisions

Improve innovation and problem-solving

Build a more agile and resilient organization

Energize your culture with freedom over fear
Join us for an exclusive webinar as Freedom at Work creator, Traci Fenton, and the Head of People and Culture at Grupo Elektra, Adriana de la Puente, share five key secrets they’ve learned for how to quickly and permanently transform companies from command and control hierarchies to a more engaging, freedom-centered design that boosts engagement, growth, and trust.
Leading your company with success is about having a clear democratic leadership style that gives power to your people to drive desired results and growth. Knowing how to do this with confidence and clarity is the most important leadership skill you’ll ever acquire.
Join Traci and Adriana to learn how leading with freedom over fear and control can transform your organization while boosting the bottom line and creating a culture people love.
Register now and join us for this exciting and inspiring on-demand webinar that you won't want to miss!

The #1 Thing Keeping Your
Company Stuck

The #1 Thing You Must Do to
Scale Faster

The #1 Thing You Must Hire For in
a Freedom-Centered Company

The #1 Thing you must do to
boost Meaningful engagement

The #1 thing you must do to accelerate growth

The #1 Leadership Skill You Must have to Make all of this Work

Traci Fenton
Founder + CEO of WorldBlu and
Author of Freedom at Work
What exactly is the Freedom at Work strategy and how can it help you and your team grow faster while creating a workplace culture everyone loves? Traci Fenton, Founder + CEO of WorldBlu and author of the book, Freedom at Work and her team have spent nearly three decades working in over 100 countries with some of the most prestigious and respected brands in the world, including the WD-40 company, Groupon, Pandora, DaVita, HCL Technologies, and hundreds more helping them shift from a hierarchical to a more democratic and decentralized model to optimize growth, engagement, and, in a word – freedom. Traci codified the secrets she discovered in this process into a method called Freedom at Work.
Traci is a “Thinkers 50 Radar” award winner, an Inc. Magazine “Top 50 Leadership Thinker,” received the Game Changer award for “Outstanding Results in Shaping the World,” is a “World-Changing Woman in Conscious Business” winner and a Marshall Goldsmith “Top 100 Coach.” Traci has been featured in Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, and hundreds of other media outlets worldwide.

Adriana de la Puente
Head of People + Culture, Grupo Elektra
What is it like to lead an 80,000-person-strong WorldBlu certified Freedom-Centered publicly-traded corporation in Mexico? Grupo Elektra is a prominent Mexican financial and retailing powerhouse, and a pivotal division of Grupo Salinas, one of Mexico's largest conglomerates with a staggering workforce of over one million individuals. At the helm of this transformative journey is Adriana de la Puente Martinez de Castro, Head of People and Culture, and Integration at Grupo Salinas, where she oversees Grupo Elektra's operations.
Dive into the inner workings of Grupo Elektra and uncover their secrets for keeping their workforce genuinely engaged, effectively tackling challenges, and cultivating a culture steeped in freedom rather than fear. Learn about their remarkable journey spanning numerous teams, territories, and departments within one of the most exhilarating and dynamic corporate entities in the region.
Hear Why Our Clients Love
the Freedom at Work Approach

Thanks to Freedom at Work, our sales have quadrupled and our market cap has increased from $250 million to over $2 billion.
Garry Ridge
Chairman Emeritus | The WD-40 Company

With WorldBlu’s help, we've grown more than 12x. Our growth and success is a direct result of Freedom at Work.
Matt Perez
COO | Nearsoft Encora

WorldBlu’s Freedom at Work model ultimately helped us grow and took our new spin-off from $0 to a $175 million sale in just two years.
Dallas Kashuba
CEO | Dreamhost

As a result of Freedom at Work, we've grown 63% in one year.
Nathan Donaldson
CEO | Boost

Freedom at Work has helped us grow on average 23% each year over the past 10 years.
Matthew Gonnering
CEO | Widen, an Acquia Company