The Freedom-Centered Leader Program
for Executive Leaders

Grab the opportunity to become a WorldBlu certified Freedom-Centered Leaderand unlock your full potential for personal and professional growth.

Our prestigious 6-month leadership program, open to executive leaders, will equip you with the leadership skills to boost your leadership effectiveness and accelerate success

Invest in your personal development and take your team, career, and life to the next level through our transformative leadership program.

6-month Executive Leadership Development

O9pen Enrollment

Quiz: Is Freedom at Work Right For Your Company?



Empower Your Career with
Freedom-Centered Leadership

Are you an executive leader who wants to expand your leadership skill set into a more democratic, less micromanaging style, but you're not sure how? Do you want to:

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Develop strong democratic leadership skills that transcend traditional approaches?

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Cultivate a strong sense of self-worth and confidence?

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Be a great leader but often feel like an imposter?

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Overcome fear and stress but don't even think that's possible?

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Keep a calm and steady mindset, but feel overcome by emotions?

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Develop better communication skills, enhancing your ability to connect effectively with others?

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Weave your purpose into your life, creating a clear path toward fulfillment?

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Create healthy boundaries so you can still have a more balanced life?

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Be a part of a global network of leaders who share your values, but just can’t find those who share your values?

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Propel your career forward by earning a top global leadership certification?

The Freedom-Centered Executive Leader program not only teaches you essential democratic leadership skills but also connects you with a prestigious network of leaders who resonate with these values. They too are dedicated to leading with freedom, breaking through barriers of fear, and accelerating growth and success.

Freedom-Centered Executive Leader Program Application

The Freedom-Centered Leader executive program is open to executive leaders. Please complete the short application and we will be in touch with the next steps. Thank you!

Here's What You'll Learn
in the Program . .


The #1 Most Effective Style of Leadership

Discover why democratic, freedom-centered leadership stands out as the most effective style compared to other leadership approaches.

The #1 way to live your purpose and vision

Unlock the unparalleled benefits of knowing your purpose and vision, the ultimate pathway to fulfillment and success.

The #1 Way Improve Your Communication Skills

Enhance every aspect of your personal and professional life by mastering healthy communication skills, the key to fostering great leadership and connection.

The #1 Way to Improve Personal Accountability

Take control of your life and accelerate your success by prioritizing personal accountability, the foundation of growth and achievement.

The #1 Way to Advance Your Career Faster

Go deeper into the essential leadership skills that foster trust, empowerment, and collaboration, propelling your advancement opportunities forward even faster.

The #1 Way to Build Self-Worth and Confidence

Strengthening self-worth and self-confidence unleashes your potential, leading to greater resilience, success, and fulfillment in all aspects of life.

The #1 Way to Develop a Fearless Mindset

Learn our 5-step program for cultivating a mindset of freedom over fear to break through limitations and embrace life with resilience and confidence.

The #1 Way to Increase Your Earning Potential

Leading with freedom over fear boosts earning potential by fostering bold decision-making and embracing opportunities with confidence and adaptability.

The #1 Way to Build Trust and Connection

Discover how to elevate relationships, amplify collaboration, and catalyze success in your interactions.

The #1 Community for Leaders Leading with Freedom Over Fear

Our top community of leaders with shared values provides invaluable support, networking opportunities, and resources for cultivating bold leadership and  success.
I want to develop fearless worth 

Here's what's Included with The
Freedom-Centered Executive Leader Program


The Freedom-Centered
Leader Course

Become a WorldBlu certified Freedom-Centered Leader and transform the way you lead

Access 100+ of our award-winning leadership courses designed to teach leaders how to lead with the principles of freedom and democracy in practical, transformational ways with our training that averages 9.9/10 stars. Complete 10 courses you select with our guidance to create a customized leadership Learning Journey to become a certified Freedom-Centered Executive Leader, putting you in the top tier of leaders worldwide who have earned our prestigious designation.


Executive Leadership Coaching

Weekly live group coaching sessions with executive leaders to support your growth

Engage in our optional weekly live executive group coaching sessions, led by our experienced WorldBlu Master Coaches. Whether it's overcoming fear, addressing people-related challenges, or seeking inspiration, we're here to support you.

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Top Executive Masterminds

Learn from other executive leaders worldwide who share your values

Here at WorldBlu, our take on masterminds is refreshing. No more sticking with the same people month after month—we're all about mixing it up for maximum learning! Join our monthly one-hour mastermind where you'll connect with different global executive leaders each time, expanding your network and discovering fresh insights. Let's grow together, guided by our shared values of leading with freedom, not fear.

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Top Leader Network

Join the world's top network of Freedom-Centered Leaders (priceless)

WorldBlu is the home for leaders who believe in freedom-centered, democratic leadership as the #1 leadership style for leading a team, a company, or their life. Join the program today and become a part of a global network of top individuals who share your values.  


Freedom-Centered Executive Leader Certification

Become a WorldBlu certified Freedom-Centered Executive Leader

Once you achieve your milestone of earning your first 10 badges in our award-winning Freedom-Centered Executive Leadership Program, you'll earn certification. Our prestigious certification catalyzes propelling your success as a leader forward.

Quiz: What kind of leader are you?

Here's Why Executive Leaders
love Our Program


Before I became a WorldBlu certified Freedom-Centered Leader, I lacked an understanding of my true purpose. I now have more passion and a grander sense of purpose for helping others reach their fullest potential.

Jake Athey

VP Product Marketing


With the Freedom-Centered Leader program, I finally found the tools to inspire and coach others to build the world-class culture we all really want in our workplaces.

Annette Jensen

Director of Organizational Development and Global Strategy

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The Freedom-Centered Leader program is nothing short of life-changing. It's for anyone who wants to move away from fear-based command-and-control leadership to positive, high-growth leadership.

Garry Turner

International Product Manager

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Without a doubt I’m now a better leader because of the Freedom-Centered Leader program. I am not only a better leader at work; I am a better friend, spouse, and parent as a result.

Kara Conley

Vice President

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I now have a strong sense of worthiness and I finally feel good enough because of the Freedom-Centered Leader program. It was a transformational experience for me.

Eloy Lopez del Rio

Team Lead

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The Freedom-Centered Leader program resulted in better business results and a better personal life for me as well. The program has been a game-changer for me.

Chris Widner

VP of IT and HR


How do I know if this program is right for me?

Are you wondering if the Freedom-Centered Leader Executive Program aligns with your goals?

This program is for executive leaders (C-suite, VP, executive level titles) who want to strengthen their leadership skills.

A great way to find out if our program is the right match for you is by taking our complimentary  Freedom-Centered Leader Assessment.

Discover your leadership style - is it fear-based freedom-centered, or somewhere in between?

If you're not yet where you want to be as a leader, we highly recommend considering enrollment in our award-winning program.

Interested in discussing the program further? Feel free to schedule a call using the link here or reach out to Miranda, a WorldBlu Master Coach, at

We'd love to chat more about how the program can strengthen your leadership skills and goals! 

Who can apply for the Freedom-Centered Leader Program?

Anyone who is any executive leader (C-suite, VP Director-level titles) who wants to grow and lead themselves and others with freedom over fear is welcome to apply for our prestigious program.

What is included in the program?

The Freedom-Centered Leader program includes the following:

1. 100+ Leadership Courses: Access 100+ of our award-winning leadership courses designed to teach leaders how to lead with the principles of freedom and democracy in practical, transformational ways with our training that averages 9.9/10 stars.

Complete 10 courses (2 are required, 8 are optional) to become a certified Freedom-Centered Leader, putting you in the top tier of leaders worldwide who have earned this prestigious designation.

2. Leader Masterminds: Here at WorldBlu, our take on masterminds is refreshing. No more sticking with the same people month after month—we're all about mixing it up for maximum learning! Join our monthly one-hour mastermind where you'll connect with different leader members each time, expanding your network and discovering fresh insights.

3. Leader Coaching: Engage in our optional weekly live group coaching sessions, led by our experienced WorldBlu Master Coaches. Whether it's team leadership, overcoming hurdles, addressing people-related challenges, or seeking renewed inspiration, we're here to support you.

4. Certification: Once you achieve your initial milestone of earning the first 10 badges in our award-winning Freedom-Centered Leadership program, you'll earn certification! Our prestigious certification catalyzes propelling your career forward at an accelerated pace while transforming your life. 

5. Top Leader Global Network: WorldBlu is the top program in the world for leaders who believe in the power of leading with freedom over fear. It's why we've earned many leadership awards, including the Thinkers 50 Radar award, and had our founder recognized in Inc. Magazine as a “Top 50 Leadership Thinker,” received the Game Changer award for “Outstanding Results in Shaping the World,” named a “World-Changing Woman in Conscious Business” and been recognized as a Marshall Goldsmith “Top 100 Coach.”


How long is the program and how much time will it take?

The Freedom-Centered Leader program runs for six months. This means you have more than enough time to complete the leadership modules we customize for your specific leadership needs.

We encourage you to plan to spend about 3-5 hours per week over the 6 months. You'll also have the option of joining our weekly hour-long group leadership coaching calls and/or our monthly masterminds, which are an hour each month. These are optional.  

We've crafted this program with your busy life in mind, so you can focus on your leadership development while still juggling everything else. Ready to take the next step in your leadership journey? Come join us!

What is the format of the program?

The Freedom-Centered Leader program offers a dynamic blended learning experience.

Dive into self-paced, on-demand leadership coursework online customized to your leadership goals. You'll have access to 100+ leadership modules, or "badges" as we call them. You will need to earn a minimum of 10 (two badges are required, the remaining seven you choose based o your goals) to earn certification. 

Gain exclusive access to optional live weekly group coaching sessions led by Traci Fenton, the award-winning leadership expert behind WorldBlu or other WorldBlu Master Coaches.

Additionally, you'll enjoy monthly live optional mastermind calls to connect with and learn from fellow program participants. 

Once I get accepted into the program, how do I get started?

Once your application is accepted by WorldBlu, we'll send you a welcome letter with the steps on how to get started in the program on the program start date. 

Within minutes, you'll get access to our award-winning leadership courses, our global network, and tools to help you grow as a leader.

What does it take for me to get certified?

To get certified as a Freedom-Centered Leader, you have to complete a minimum of 10 "badges" or courses within the six-month program. 

When is the registration deadline?

The deadline to register for the Freedom-Centered Leader program is the 20th of each month with the program beginning on the first day of each month. 

After I complete the 6-month program, then what?

Upon completing the 6-month Freedom-Centered Leader program, you join our top global alumni community.

As an alum, you have the opportunity to renew your program membership, unlocking access to additional leadership badges and exclusive coaching and mastermind sessions. The investment for this renewal is $1,997 per year.

What happens if I don't finish the program in 6 months?

What if life gets in the way? Fear not! The program is structured with flexibility in mind.

While there are 100+ modules or "badges" as we like to call them you will need to earn only 10 for certification. You will have plenty of time over 6 months if you plan accordingly.

However, once the program is over, you will not have access to those badges you did not earn, so please make sure you plan to complete at least 10 badges for certification. 

The work you complete will be available for you after you graduate from the program for up to three years following completion.



I'd like to speak with someone about the program, how do I do that?

Great, we'd love to speak with you as well!

Please book a call here and a member of the WorldBlu team will connect with you. 

What is WorldBlu?

WorldBlu was founded in 1997 and is the the largest global membership of companies committed to freedom and democracy in the workplace in the world, with clients worldwide, representing over $30 billion in annual revenue in 100 countries.

Traci Fenton, Founder and CEO of WorldBlu and her team have helped hundreds of top companies and leaders around the world shift from hierarchical leadership and organizational structures to lead with more freedom-centered, democratic leadership and organizational design at well-respected brands such as WD-40, DaVita, HCL Technologies, Mindvalley, Pandora, Hulu, Zappos, GE Aviation, Groupo Elektra, and more in over 100 countries worldwide. WorldBlu has a vision of seeing one billion people working in freedom-centered organizations worldwide.

Research shows that WorldBlu’s Freedom at Work® leadership strategy is proven to deliver on average 700% greater revenue growth compared to S&P 500 companies over three years.

WorldBlu's founder, Traci Fenton has been recognized as a “Thinkers50 Radar” award winner, the “Oscars” of management, where she was called “a game changer in transforming the culture of organizations.” She was also named a “World-Changing Woman in Conscious Business” by SOCAP and recognized in Inc. magazine as one of the “Top 50 Leadership Innovators,” along with other world-class leaders such as Dan Pink, Brene Brown, and Marshall Goldsmith. She is also recognized as a Marshall Goldsmith “Top 100 Coach” and received the Game-Changer award for “Outstanding Results in Sharing the World.”

Traci has addressed audiences around the world, sharing her message of leading with freedom over fear with individuals from over 100 countries at wide-ranging organizations such as Yahoo!, Fox Interactive Media, the CIA, South by Southwest, Harvard University, Yale University, TEDx, the US Naval Academy as well as appearing at hundreds of other venues and on podcasts, TV, and radio shows.

WorldBlu has been featured in Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor, The New York Times, Inc. Magazine, BusinessWeek, Real Clear Markets, Leader to Leader, Inc. Magazine, BusinessWeek, US News & World Report, NPR, the BBC, and dozens of other media outlets around the world as well as in over three dozen books.