Become a Certified
Freedom at Work Coach

WorldBlu certified Freedom at Work™ Coaches unlock growth,
drive innovation, develop top leaders, and design workplace cultures
where everyone can reach their true potential with WorldBlu’s proven
Freedom at Work™ strategy used by top companies and leaders
in over 100 countries worldwide.

If you're a seasoned coach eager to cultivate
healthy workplaces while growing your coaching practice,
becoming a certified Freedom at Work Coach™
may be the key to unlocking your next chapter of success. 

Become a WorldBlu certified Freedom-Centered Coach

Apply Now

Quiz: Is Freedom at Work Right For Your Company?



Who Should Become a Certified Freedom at Work Coach?

Are you a top coach, already working with CEOs and C-suite leaders, looking to grow your coach practice with a proven approach used by the most respected companies in the world? If yes, then consider applying to become a certified Freedom at Work. A prospective coach should meet ALL of the following criteria before applying:

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Proven Success: You have a recognized coaching certification (or equivalent) AND have been coaching C-suite leaders level for at least 10 years OR ran your own business with at least $5 million in annual revenue

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Established Coaching Practice: You have an existing coaching practice

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Love of Freedom-Centered Principles: You have a deep understanding of democratic leadership, organizational democracy, and the Freedom at Work strategy.

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Alignment: You align with WorldBlu's purpose, vision, and values.

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Experience in Leadership Development and Change Management: You have a minimum of 10 years' proven track record of facilitating leadership development and culture change

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High Self-Worth: You have high self-worth.

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Communication and Facilitation Skills: You have strong communication, facilitation, and interpersonal skills.

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Commitment to Continuous Learning: You are committed to ongoing leadership development and staying updated on industry and global trends.

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Ethical Standards and Integrity: You uphold high ethical standards, adhering to professional codes of conduct

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Results-Oriented Approach: You have a focus on driving tangible outcomes and measurable impact

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Strategic Thinking: You possess strategic thinking skills to create long-term strategies for clients

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Entrepreneurial Spirit: You have an entrepreneurial spirit to proactively identify opportunities to grow your coaching business

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Passion for Advancing Freedom in the World: You have a genuine passion for advancing freedom and democracy in the world through business.

These qualifications reflect the knowledge, skills, experience, and values required to become a certified Freedom at Work Coach and successfully support leaders and companies in their practice of Freedom at Work. 

Freedom at Work Coach
Discovery Call

If you're a seasoned coach who meets our qualifications and would like to know more about becoming a WorldBlu certified Freedom at Work Coach, please read through this page and then complete the short form to book a discovery call with us. We look forward to connecting with you!

Discover the Benefits of Becoming a
WorldBlu Certified Freedom at Work™ Coach

Grow Your Coaching Business with Commissions & 100% of Your Profits

As a licensed Freedom at Work Coach, you will grow your coaching practice with a highly reputable brand, earning reoccurring commissions ranging from 3-13%, while keeping 100% of your coaching fee, fueling the growth of your business.


Differentiation in the Market

With the Freedom at Work coaching certification, top coaches can differentiate themselves in a crowded coaching market by offering a unique value proposition

Expertise in Freedom at Work

Freedom at Work certification equips coaches with in-depth knowledge and expertise in freedom-centered leadership and democratic culture design, helping them guide organizations toward creating workplaces where freedom, accountability, and transparency thrive.

Credibility and Recognition

Being certified as a Freedom at Work coach lends credibility to their coaching practice, demonstrating their commitment to and proficiency in building successful democratic workplaces while enhancing their reputation.

Access to WorldBlu Resources

Freedom at Work Coaches gain access to a wealth of award-winning resources, including training, tools, assessments, case studies, research, and best practices developed by WorldBlu, empowering them to offer comprehensive guidance to their clients.

Global Network

Joining the WorldBlu community provides coaches with opportunities to connect with other top like-minded coaches, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects. This global network can offer support, inspiration, and potential business partnerships.

Increased Effectiveness

Through the Freedom at Work certification program, coaches gain advanced skills and strategies for facilitating transformative change within organizations, enhancing their effectiveness in guiding clients toward their desired outcomes.

Alignment with Values

Coaches who align with the principles of freedom and organizational democracy promoted by WorldBlu will find deep fulfillment in being part of an organization that shares its values and supports its mission to create positive change in workplaces worldwide.

Personal Growth and Development

Pursuing Freedom at Work certification involves continuous learning and professional development, assessment, and personal growth. Certified coaches have the opportunity to expand their knowledge, skills, and perspectives, enriching both their professional practice and their journey.


Opportunities for Thought Leadership

Certified coaches may have the opportunity to contribute articles, case studies, keynotes, and thought leadership pieces to WorldBlu publications, conferences, and events, establishing themselves as experts in the field of freedom-centered leadership.

Continuous Support and Mentorship

Certified coaches will receive ongoing support and mentorship from WorldBlu, including access to experienced coaches and trainers who can provide guidance, feedback, and advice as they navigate their coaching journey.

Bringing More Freedom to Our World

By promoting freedom and organizational democracy, Freedom at Work Certified Coaches can contribute to a broader global impact by fostering healthier and more fulfilling work environments for employees around the world while advancing freedom in the world through business.
I want to develop fearless worth 

How Does it Work?

Traci-6 3

Apply to Become a certified Freedom at Work Coach

Complete our short application to book a discovery interview with us

To begin your journey, simply fill out our brief application form located on this page. Once we've received your application, we'll reach out to schedule a discovery interview to discuss the next steps in our process.

If it appears that you're a good match for WorldBlu, you'll receive an exclusive invitation to join our prestigious Freedom at Work Coaches Boot Camp. Keep in mind, that this opportunity is limited to a select number of coaches and is offered just once a year.

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Specialized Freedom at Work Coaches Training

The Freedom at Work Coaches Boot Camp is October 28-November 1, 2024 in Colorado Springs, CO | Space is limited

Once you're accepted into the WorldBlu certified coaching program, get ready for an exciting journey! You'll dive into a series of trainings, starting with our immersive week-long Freedom at Work Coaches Boot Camp led by award-winning leadership innovator, Traci Fenton. These trainings aren't just about learning—they're about fully embracing our Freedom at Work™ leadership strategy, understanding our products and services inside out, and getting a deep dive into our purpose, vision, and goals. We'll also share our unique approach to coaching and selling. 

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Freedom at Work Coaches Boot Camp, scheduled for October 28th to November 1st, 2024, in the picturesque setting of Colorado Springs, Colorado. 


Grow Your Coaching Business Keeping 100% of your Coaching Fees

Earn commission and keep 100% of your coaching fees

As a certified Freedom at Work Coach, you will have the opportunity to grow your coaching practice with a highly reputable brand. Every time you sell a Freedom at Work program, you earn an annual, recurring commission ranging from 3-13%, far above the industry standard.

You're also in control of setting your coaching package prices for your clients. The best part? You keep 100% of your coaching fee, directly fueling the growth of your business while actively contributing to building a more freedom-centered world. 

Communication Skills

Freedom at Work Supported with Your Top Coaching

Grow your coaching business with our award-winning method

As a certified Freedom at Work Coach, you are licensed to sell our award-winning Freedom at Work program, earning recurring commissions along the way.

Once you sell a program, you will then support the CEO and their team through the transformational process of implementing Freedom at Work and becoming a WorldBlu certified Freedom-Centered Organization with your customized coaching package.


On-Going Support

You'll receive on-going support from WorldBlu to help you grow

The support doesn't stop with our Freedom at Work Coaches Boot Camp! You'll stay inspired and informed with monthly masterminds, coaching partnerships, mentorship, and live events that keep you connected and motivated.


Become a Certified Freedom at Work Coach

Proudly represent yourself as a certified Freedom at Work Coach

Once you have completed the Freedom at Work Coaches Boot Camp and earned your certification, attended at least one live Freedom at Work Summit, and sold at least three Freedom at Work programs along with your coaching package, you will earn the prestigious WorldBlu Certified Coach designation.

With our top certification, you'll have the privilege of proudly representing yourself as a Freedom at Work Coach on your website as well as ours. This designation comes with exclusive opportunities to promote and sell WorldBlu programs. Plus, it connects you with a distinguished and select group of top coaches from around the world.

25 Top Speakers_3_11zon

Advancement Opportunities as a Freedom at Work Master Coach

Become a Freedom at Work Master Coach and unlock more possibilities for growing your coaching business

Your growth, impact, and earning opportunities don’t stop with becoming a Freedom at Work Certified Coach.

You will also have the opportunity to apply to become a certified Freedom at Work Master Coach, opening the door to teaching our workshops to your clients, joining WorldBlu’s Speaker’s Bureau, and hosting live satellite events, all further growing your coaching business and impact in our world.

Apply Now 

Here's Why CEOs
Love Freedom at Work


Thanks to Freedom at Work, our sales have quadrupled and our market cap has increased from $250 million to over $2 billion.

Garry Ridge

Chairman Emeritus | The WD-40 Company


With Freedom at Work, we've grown more than 12x. Our growth and success is a direct result of Freedom at Work.

Matt Perez

COO | Nearsoft Encora


WorldBlu’s Freedom at Work strategy ultimately helped us grow and took our new spin-off from $0 to a $175 million sale in just two years.

Dallas Kashuba

CEO | Dreamhost


As a result of Freedom at Work, we've grown 63% in just one year.

Nathan Donaldson

CEO | Boost


Freedom at Work has helped us grow on average 23% each year over the past 10 years.

Matthew Gonnering

CEO | Widen, an Acquia Company


Do you have a question about becoming a
WorldBlu certified Freedom at Work Coach? We have answers!

What is WorldBlu?

WorldBlu was founded in 1997 and is the the largest global membership of companies committed to freedom and democracy in the workplace in the world, with clients worldwide, representing over $30 billion in annual revenue in 100 countries.

Traci Fenton, Founder and CEO of WorldBlu and her team have helped hundreds of top companies and leaders around the world shift from hierarchical leadership and organizational structures to lead with more freedom-centered, democratic leadership and organizational design at well-respected brands such as WD-40, DaVita, HCL Technologies, Mindvalley, Pandora, Hulu, Zappos, GE Aviation, Groupo Elektra, and more in over 100 countries worldwide. WorldBlu has a vision of seeing one billion people working in freedom-centered organizations worldwide.

Research shows that WorldBlu’s Freedom at Work® leadership strategy is proven to deliver on average 700% greater revenue growth compared to S&P 500 companies over three years.

WorldBlu's founder, Traci Fenton has been recognized as a “Thinkers50 Radar” award winner, the “Oscars” of management, where she was called “a game changer in transforming the culture of organizations.” She was also named a “World-Changing Woman in Conscious Business” by SOCAP and recognized in Inc. magazine as one of the “Top 50 Leadership Innovators,” along with other world-class leaders such as Dan Pink, Brene Brown, and Marshall Goldsmith. She is also recognized as a Marshall Goldsmith “Top 100 Coach” and received the Game-Changer award for “Outstanding Results in Sharing the World.”

Traci has addressed audiences around the world, sharing her message of leading with freedom over fear with individuals from over 100 countries at wide-ranging organizations such as Yahoo!, Fox Interactive Media, the CIA, South by Southwest, Harvard University, Yale University, TEDx, the US Naval Academy as well as appearing at hundreds of other venues and on podcasts, TV, and radio shows.

WorldBlu has been featured in Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor, The New York Times, Inc. Magazine, BusinessWeek, Real Clear Markets, Leader to Leader, Inc. Magazine, BusinessWeek, US News & World Report, NPR, the BBC, and dozens of other media outlets around the world as well as in over three dozen books. 

What are the qualifications to become a Certified Freedom at Work Coach?

WorldBlu Certified Freedom at Work Coaches should meet ALL of the following criteria before applying:

  • Proven Success: Have completed a recognized coaching certification program AND have been coaching CEOs, the C-suite, or executive leaders level for at least 10 years AND have an established coaching practice OR ran your own business with at least $5 million in annual revenue  

  • Understanding Freedom-Centered Principles: Have a deep interest in democratic leadership, organizational democracy, and the Freedom at Work strategy.

    Alignment with WorldBlu’s Purpose + Values: Align with WorldBlu's purpose, vision, and values.

  • Experience in Leadership Development and Change Management: Have a minimum of 10 years proven track record of facilitating leadership development and culture change initiatives within organizations.

  • Communication and Facilitation Skills: Have strong communication, facilitation, and interpersonal skills.

  • Commitment to Continuous Learning: Be committed to continuous professional development and staying updated on industry and global trends.

  • Ethical Standards and Integrity: Uphold high ethical standards and integrity in their coaching practice, adhering to professional codes of conduct and maintaining confidentiality, trust, and respect in their interactions with clients and stakeholders.

  • Have High Self-Worth: WorldBlu Certified Coaches should be able to answer “10” to the question: On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the highest), how would you rate your level of self-worth and why?

  • Results-Oriented Approach: Have a focus on driving tangible outcomes and measurable impact for their clients, such as improved employee engagement, performance, and organizational effectiveness.

  • Strategic Thinking: Possess strategic thinking skills to analyze complex organizational challenges, develop insightful solutions, and create long-term strategies for fostering freedom-centered companies.

  • Entrepreneurial Spirit: Have an entrepreneurial spirit to proactively identify opportunities, market their services, and navigate the complexities of running a coaching business.

  • Passion for Advancing Freedom in the World: Have a genuine passion for advancing freedom and democracy in the world through the vehicle of business.

These qualifications reflect the knowledge, skills, experience, and values required to become a top certified coach with us and successfully support companies in their journey toward becoming WorldBlu certified Freedom-Centered Organizations.


What is the deadline to apply for 2024 to become a coach?

The deadline to apply to become a WorldBlu certified Freedom at Work Coach for 2024 is September 1, 2024. We only accept a limited number of coaches a year, so we encourage you to apply as soon as possible to begin the interview process. 

How many top coaches do you accept a year into the program?

WorldBlu only accepts a limited number of top coaches a year to our prestigious WorldBlu certified Freedom at Work Coaches program.

How much can I earn?

With WorldBlu's extensive lineup of proven products and services ranging from $12,000 to $120,000 and more, the earning possibilities are endless.

As a certified Freedom at Work Coach, you'll have the opportunity to earn annual recurring commissions ranging from 3% to 13% on every Freedom at Work program you sell.

Plus, you'll have the flexibility to set your rates for coaching packages, allowing you to retain 100% of your coaching fees to grow your coaching business. 

What is the investment associated with becoming a WorldBlu Certified Freedom at Work Coach?

The initial investment for the first year is $10,000, encompassing licensing with WorldBlu, comprehensive live and online training (excluding accommodation and airfare), and continuous coaching and administrative support. The total value for our training and support is $30,000/year.

Upon signing, $5,000 is due and the remaining amount is due by Oct. 1, 2024, on either a monthly payment plan or lump sum.

To maintain your certification, the renewal fee is $10,000 per year (or $833/month), requiring a minimum commitment of three years.

What am I selling?

You are selling WorldBlu’s Freedom at Work program or a customized program along with your coaching package to support your client in successfully building a WorldBlu certified Freedom-Centered Organization.

As a certified Freedom at Work Coach, do I become an employee of WorldBlu?

No, you remain an independent, licensed contractor with WorldBlu with your own business.

This means you have the freedom to operate your coaching practice as you want while leveraging our brand and products to support your growth.

Your role involves transforming leaders and workplaces to foster greater growth, happier workplaces, and more freedom in our world.

What is the overall commitment?

At WorldBlu, we ask for a minimum three-year commitment to cultivate your coaching business alongside us and to guide clients towards becoming certified Freedom-Centered Organizations under our brand. This level of commitment allows time for learning, growth, and sustained impact in transforming workplaces for the better.

Do you teach me how to sell and market?

While we don't provide basic sales or marketing training, we do offer guidance in the WorldBlu approach to consultative selling along with marketing ideas.

We expect our coaches to come with an established coaching practice and proficiency in selling high-ticket products and services. Our training focuses on refining your approach within our framework to maximize effectiveness and alignment with our principles.

Do you teach me how to coach?

We don't provide coaching training, but we will teach you the WorldBlu approach to coaching which should further support your coaching practice.

To qualify as a Freedom at Work Coach, you'll need to show that you are a top coach with your own coaching business. You should have earned a coaching certificate from a well-respected training institute (or equivalent) AND have at least 10 years of experience coaching C-suite or executive-level leaders OR have run your own company with a minimum of $5 million in annual revenue. It's about bringing real-world expertise to the table and making a genuine impact on the business owners and leaders you work with to see lasting positive results. 

What does it take for me to earn my certification?

To earn your certification as a Freedom at Work Coach, here's what you'll need to achieve:

  1. Freedom at Work Coaches Boot Camp: Dive into our intensive one-week boot camp, where you'll immerse yourself in WorldBlu. From learning about our products and services to mastering the Freedom at Work strategy, selling techniques, and business growth support, this experience is also a chance to develop lifelong friendships with fellow top WorldBlu coaches.

  2. Freedom-Centered Leader Program: Complete 10 courses, or what we call badges, within our Freedom-Centered Leader program. These courses not only familiarize you with our programs to better guide your clients but also enhance your own professional development and leadership growth.

  3. Freedom at Work Summit: Attend one in-person Freedom at Work Leadership + Growth Summit.

  4. Demonstrated Sales: Demonstrate sales success by selling a minimum of 3 Freedom at Work programs along with three of your coaching packages.

  5. Masterminds: Attend a minimum of nine monthly, one-hour masterminds in your first year. These sessions offer invaluable opportunities for growth and collaboration within our community.

  6. Recommendations: Gather recommendations from the CEOs you coach, along with achieving an average score of 8 or higher (on a 10-point scale) on your overall coaching evaluations from them.

Once you've earned certification, a world of opportunities opens up to boost your coaching business.

As a WorldBlu certified Coach, you'll stand out as one of the top coaches worldwide, making it easier to attract more clients.

Plus, being listed on the WorldBlu website with your contact details means potential clients can easily find you.

Additionally, WorldBlu might send potential leads your way, giving a significant boost to your business prospects.  You may even be invited to join our exclusive WorldBlu Master Coaches program, offering even more avenues for growing your coaching practice. 


Can I sell while I’m still earning certification?

Yes! Because you have to sell at least three Freedom at Work programs before you earn certification as a coach you will be selling until you hit that goal.

What does it take for me to retain my Freedom at Work coaching certification?

To retain your coaching certification, you will need to pay the annual renewal fee of $10,000 (or $833/month) and sign at least one new Freedom at Work program a year.

When and where is the Freedom at Work Coaches Boot Camp?

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Freedom at Work Coaches Boot Camp, scheduled for October 28th - November 1st, 2024, in the picturesque setting of Colorado Springs, Colorado. 

Would I qualify to become a WorldBlu certified coach if I’m already a coach within a company rather than having my own coaching business?

Possibly! Please contact us to explore the possibilities.

Is WorldBlu political?

Not at all, WorldBlu is a non-partisan global membership and leadership training company focused on teaching CEOs and their teams how to lead with Freedom at Work, transitioning their organizations from outdated hierarchical structures to more decentralized and collaborative structures using the 10 principles of organizational democracy. Founded in 1997, we have worked with leaders in over 100 countries worldwide.

Our name WorldBlu is not just catchy; it's symbolic. Blue universally symbolizes freedom, and that's what we're all about—envisioning a world where everyone lives, leads, and works in freedom.

You can learn more about the history of WorldBlu and the Freedom at Work strategy on our inspiring website or in the visionary book, "Freedom at Work," by WorldBlu's founder and CEO, Traci Fenton.

How can I find out more?

If you're a top-tier coach who shares our passion for WorldBlu's purpose and vision, and you're eager to access cutting-edge leadership and culture transformation resources, a thriving global network, and opportunities for professional growth, we'd love to hear from you!

Simply complete the short application above and book a discovery call with us.  

We can't wait to connect with you and explore the possibilities together!